2017-07-10 环球教育
Part 1
1. Hometown:
你现在住在哪里? 你的家乡在哪里?
2. Major/subject:
What’s your major? 你喜欢你专业的什么课? 觉得专业学的东西对以后有用么? what are interesting things in your subject?
3. Work/study:
Doyou study or work ?
4. TVprogram:
Doyou like watching TV? What’s your favorite TVprogram ? 喜欢看什么节目? 跟谁一起看? 喜欢自己看还是和别人一起? 会不会花太长时间看电视?
5. House/apartment:
Doyou live in a house or an apartment ? What can you see of the window ? 还要住多久? 到市中心方便么?Doyou others visit your home ? what do you usually do when visitor come ? whatevents will you do to entertain friends in your home ? How do you think of your home? What home do you prefer in the future ? 是否喜欢经常搬家? 孩子喜欢搬家么? 喜欢变化么? 大人跟孩子哪个更能接受变化?
6. Outdooractivities:
你喜欢的户外活动? 你想学的户外活动? 喜欢室内活动?
7. Bringthings:
Whatbring when go out ? bring different things in day and night ? 会什么时候出去》 白天还是晚上? 出去一般做什么?Even forgotten tobring sth.?
8. Shoes:
Doyou like shoes ? 会网购鞋子么? 鞋子是好看重要还是舒服重要? 你知道有些人大量购买鞋子么? Will peoplewilling to pay for an expensive shoes ?
9. Music:
音乐乐器难学么?儿童需要有音乐课在学校么? 音乐课对儿童的影响? Do you learn anymusic instrument ? Do you have any music classes in school ? Do you think it isnecessary for children to have music class ?
10. Watch:
童年时候有没有收到新的手表作为礼物?小时候喜欢戴手表么?谁给你买的? 经常喜欢戴手表么? 为什么戴表 ? 你觉得那些人买贵的手表干嘛呢?
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