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鑫姐的最新雅思口语预测来啦,每一道题目都是必考的,小伙伴们速速准备起来咯~ 另外,全网(天猫、当当、京东)搜索“杨鑫环球教育”,即可轻松get鑫姐新书,含雅思口语题库和外国人音频~

鑫姐雅思口语Part 1预测


1. Study or work学习或工作

通用问题Are you studying or working?

More questions for Students:

How many hours do you study every week?

What can help people to study?

Do you think students should have challenge in the university?

What subjects are you studying?

Why did you choose to study your major? / Do you like your major?

Questions for Working people:

通用问题Are you studying or working?

What work do you do? (如果Are you studying or working?处的回答未曾提及具体工作)

Why did you choose to do that job?

Do you think being a student is better? / Do you miss being a student?

Do you like your job?/ Do you like working in the current working environment?

2. Hometown家乡

Where’s your hometown?(Is that a big city or a small place? + describe your hometown a little.)

How long have you lived there/here?

Do you like living there/here?

Where do you live?

Are there any differences between your hometown and living city?

3. Accommodation/house or flat/living居住/房子或公寓

Do you prefer to live in a house or flat/apartment?

Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment?

How long have you lived there?

Which room (of your home) do you like best?/Can you say something about the room?

Which room do you spend most of the time with your family in?

4. Name名字

What’s your full name?

Is there any special meaning of your name?

Do you like your name?


5. Math

Do you often use a calculator?

Are girls generally good at math?

Do you think it’s difficult to learn mathematics well?

Do you think math is important?

6. Perfume香水

Do you use perfume?

What kind of perfume do you like/use?

Do you give perfume as a gift?

What does perfume mean to you?

7. Visiting relatives拜访亲戚

Do you often visit your relatives?

What do you do when visiting relatives?

Why do people visit their relatives?

When was the last time when you visited your relatives?

8. Social network社交网络

• Do you think it is good to make friends online?

• What are the disadvantages of social networking apps?

• Why do you use social networking apps?

• How often do you use social networking apps?

9. Garbage垃圾

• Do you think your city is clean or not?

• How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the street?

• Why do some people throw garbage on the street?

• What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?

注意区分What do you do when you see garbage on thestreet?

10. Smile微笑

• Can you recognize a fake smile?

• Do you smile when people take pictures of you?

• When do people smile to/with others?

• Do you like to smile?

11. Reading books读书

• Do you like reading?

• What kind of books do you read?

• Do you read books related to your profession?

• Do you read electronic books?

12. Plan计划

• Do you make plans every day?

• What is the hardest part about making plans?

• What was the latest plan you made?

• Are you good at managing your time?

13. Travel

Do you like traveling?

What kind of cities do you like to travel to?

Which cities have you traveled to?

What’s the place that left you the deepest impression when traveling?

14. Borrowing or lending

How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?

Do you like to lend things to others?

Have you ever borrowed money from others?

Have you borrowed books from others?

15. Market

Are there many street markets in your country?

Do you often go to the supermarket?

What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

What do street markets sell?

16. Outdoors

Is it important for children to play outdoors?

Did you often go over to your friend’s house when you were young?

Did you like to go outside when you were young?

Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?

17. Pet

Have you ever had a pet when you were young?

Are there many people keeping pets in your country?

What pets will you keep if you want?

18. Sleep 睡眠

How many hours do you sleep every day?/ How many hours’ sleep do you need?

Do you take a nap at noon?

Do you like reading before sleeping?

How has your sleeping habit changed since you were a kid?

What is the importance of good sleep?

19. Sky 天空

How often do you watch the sky?/ How long do you watch it at a time?

Do you prefer the sky in the morning or in the evening?

Can you see the moon and stars in your living place?/Do you like watching the stars?

Is there any good place for you to watch the sky in your living place?

Do people in your country learn about stars and planets from school?

20. Stars 明星

Who is your favorite movie star?

Are international super stars popular in your country?

Have you ever seen any star in your real life?

Do you want to become a star?

21. Patience耐心

Are you patient?

Were you patient in your childhood?

How do you feel when other people are not patient?

22. Tea and coffee 茶与咖啡

Do people in your country prefer to drink tea or coffee?

Do you prefer to serve tea or coffee to your guests at home?

When did you drink tea or coffee last time?

23. Handwriting手写

Do you like typing or handwriting?

Do you think typing can replace handwriting?/ How do you see the importance of handwriting?

What are the differences between typing and handwriting?

When do children begin to learn how to write in your country?How did you learn to write?

Do you think people’s handwriting can show their personality?

How can children today improve their handwriting?

24. Sharing分享

Do you have anything to share with others recently?

What kinds of things are not suitable for sharing?

What kinds of things do you like to share withothers?

Did you parents teach you to share when you were achild?

25. Living area/the area you live in 居住区域

Do you like living in your living area?

Has there been any change in your living place recently?

Do you know any celebrity in your living area?

Where do you like to go within your living area?

26. Public holiday/holiday公共假期

Do you have many public holidays? Is that enough?/Do you think you/people need more holidays? (答案人称灵活转换即可)

Which public holiday do you like most? Why?

How many public holidays are there in your country?

Which one is the most important one?

How do you often spend your holidays?

27. Crowded place拥挤之地

When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

What places do you think are often crowded?

How do you feel when you are in crowded places?

28. Music 音乐

What kinds of music do you like?

Did you like the same kind of music with the music you liked in the childhood?

Do you like live music?

29. Shoes鞋

How often do you buy shoes?

What kind of shoes do you like?

Do you prefer comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes?

Do you often buy shoes online?

Why do some people buy many pairs of shoes?

30. letter and email& postcard书信、邮件&明信片

Do you often write letters?

Have you written any postcards?

Did you write letters when you were little? To whom?

Do you receive more letters or emails on your birthday?

31. Taking photos摄影

Do you like taking photos?

On what occasions do you often take photos?

How do you often keep your photos?

32. Weather天气

Do you like dry weather or wet weather?

Do you like rainy days?

Do you often take raincoats/umbrellas with you?

How do rainy days/does such weather affect people’s life?

33. Movies电影

Do you like watching movies? What kind of movies?

How often do you go to cinema? With whom?

Have movies that you like changed a lot?

34. public transports/transportation公共交通

How do you often go to work or school?

How did you come here today?

Do you often take public transports?

What do you often do on public transports?

35. Drinking water 喝水

Do you like drinking water?

How often do you drink water?

Is bottled water expensive in your city?

Is bottled water different from tap water?

Do you have any experience of being thirsty?

36. Daily routine 日常

Will you change your daily routine in the near future?

What’s the difference between people’s daily routine in the past and that in the present?

Has your daily routine changed? And how?

What do you usually do at weekends?

鑫姐雅思口语Part 2 预测

1. Describe a person who made you laugh happily when you were a child让你小时候笑得开心的人

2. Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person外国名人

3. Describe a person who often helps others帮助他人的人

4. Describe your favorite singer or band你最喜欢的歌手或乐队

5. Describe someone who speaks a foreign language well外语说得好的人

6. Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions有趣想法的人

7. Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve your goal 鼓励和帮助你实现目标的人

8. Describe a prize you want to win 想要获得的奖

9. Describe an advertisement you remember well 广告

10. Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing 衣服

11. Describe a game show or a quiz program when you watched on TV or on line 竞赛节目

12. Describe something special you took home from a tourist attraction旅游胜地带回的特别东东

13. Describe a practical skill you learned实用技能

14. Describe a historical building you have been to历史建筑

15. Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel机动车坏掉

16. Describe a time when you gave advice to others给建议

17. Describe a time when you solved a problem through the Internet网络解决问题

18. Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future水上运动

19. Describe an occasion where you got up early早起

20. Describe an occasion when you invite your friends or family to dinner邀请

21. Describe an occasion where you got incorrect information不正确信息

22. Describe an occasion when you received a call from someone you don’t know in the public place接陌生人电话

23. Describe an unusual experience of traveling不寻常的旅行经历

24. Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time与朋友外出

25. Describe a person who you wanted to be similar to during your growth/while you were growing up 想成为的人


26. An interesting person who you have not met before but you know more about 未见过但想了解更多之人

27. A foreign language that you want to learn (not English) 外语(非英语)

28. Describe your grandparent’s job 祖父母的工作

29. A person (you know) who helps to protect the environment环保者

30. Describe an intelligent person you know 智慧的人

31. Describe an old person who is interesting (to you) 有趣的老人

32. A faraway place that you want to travel to 遥远之地

33. Describe a newly built public facility (e.g. parks and cinemas, etc.) that influences your city

34. Describe a park or garden you liked visiting 公园或花园

35. Describe an important plant in your country你们国家重要的植物

36. A book that you read recently你最近读的一本书

37. Describe something that you didn’t have enough time to do没时间做的事

38. An interesting talk, speech, lecture or class you took 有趣的讲座或课

39. A party you went to/took part in 派对

40. A time when you changed your plan/had to change your plan 改变计划

41. An important decision that you made with the help from others 重要决定

42. Describe a healthy lifestyle you know 健康的生活方式

43. Describe an item you bought but do not often use不常用的东东

44. Describe a time when you received a very bad/horrible service 糟糕的服务

45. An experience of making a complaint and you were satisfied with its result 投诉但处理结果满意

46. A time when one of your home appliances / a piece of equipment did not work (was broken) (e.g. TV set )家用器具失灵

47. Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first time 运动

48. A time when you looked for some information on line/from the Internet (when / what information ) 网上寻找信息

49. Describe something lost by others but found by you发现别人丢失的东西

50. Describe something you do to help you study or work有助于学习或工作的东东或事

51. Describe a time when someone did not tell you the whole truth about something 没有告诉全部事实/说谎

52. Describe someone you would like to study or work with 想与之一起共事的人

53. Describe a time when you taught something new to a younger person 教比自己小的人

54. An activity you like doing when you are alone 独处时喜欢做的活动

55. Describe an ideal house 理想的房子

56. Describe a time when you enjoyed your free time 享受业余时间

57. Describe a subject that you used to dislike but have interest in now 以前不喜欢而现在感兴趣的科目

58. Describe a piece of good news you heard on TV or the Internet 好消息

59. Describe a kind of food that people eat during a special event 食物

60. Describe a historical period you would like to know more about 历史时期

61. Describe a person (you have seen) who is beautiful or handsome美丽或帅气的人

62. A family business you know 家族企业

63. Describe a success your friend has achieved 朋友的成功

64. Something you borrowed from your friends or family (what / when / why ) 借的东西

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