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I’d love to talk about a historical building that I visited many years ago. The name of the building is Leifeng Tower that is located in the city Hangzhou, which is the capital of Zhejiang province. This building came to my mind the moment I saw this topic for an interesting reason. Recently I am watching a TV drama that is related to this building and the story behind it is in my mind all day every day.


Actually, there’s an ancient Chinese legend about a white snake who lived for a few thousand years and eventually became a gorgeous woman with super powers. She was in love with a man who was a doctor and gave birth to a baby. However, a local monk always worried that the snake had some bad intentions towards people and wanted her to give up her relationships with her husband and child. She was furious and flooded the city which resulted in the death of thousands of innocent civilians. The monk had no choice but to punish her by locking her in the Leifeng Tower. I would never forget the desperate look on her and her husband. The grieved shouts from both of them outside the Tower has become a very classic and unforgettable scene in my memory.


Therefore, the first time I visited this tower, I almost burst out crying when I stood in front of it. It was about 10 years ago; I went to Hangzhou and I was finally able to take a close look at this building that had such a huge influence on my childhood. It’s very tall but I don’t know exactly how tall it would be. It looks like a huge cake with several layers. Honestly, I almost forgot whether I went inside that day. It’s not important. I could remember how excited I was when I stood close to it. For a moment, I felt I was the white snake that was about to go inside the tower reluctantly. I guess this is also the most and almost the only reason why I’m so attached to this building.


This is all I want to say for this topic. Thank you.


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