2019-09-19 环球教育
What??? 美食还能被法律保护呢?今天我们就来讨论讨论A national dish protected by law(一道享有法律保护的国菜)。
说到国菜,大中国有满汉全席(至少108种,南菜54道北菜54道,分三天吃完),英国有炸鱼薯条、法国的鹅肝酱、日本的生鱼片、乌干达的香蕉饭… …
Ummmmmm 肚子好像一直在响
刚刚提到的那些大家多多少少听过,大家有没有听过Wiener schnitzel (字面意思为维也纳炸小牛排)呢,这道菜就是维也纳的国菜了!并且真真实实享有法律保护!下图即是:
(以下英文内容来自www.bbc.com,作者为Anna Muckerman)
'They say Wiener schnitzel is veal, but I say it's really pork. People earlier didn’t have so much money and veal was too expensive,' Zeiner said. 'We are famous for big and cheap schnitzel. And veal you cannot make big and cheap.'
作为一家奥地利Schnitzel餐厅老板,Zenier说:人们都说Wiener schnitzel用的是小牛身上的肉,但其实用的是猪肉。早些年,人们没有那么富裕,牛肉太贵,而我们餐厅以又大又便宜的schnitzel闻名,所以用的是猪肉。
All right,本篇就暂且叫它维也纳炸猪排吧!
“One cannot imagine a menu in Austria without a Wiener schnitzel on it.”(奥地利的菜单上没有炸猪排? 这是无法想象的!)
Menu n.菜单
“Today, the term ‘Wiener schnitzel’ enjoys protected legal status in Austria and Germany. Under Austrian culinary code, the term may only refer to a slice of veal coated in egg, flour and breadcrumbs that’s then fried. ”
legal status n.法律地位
culinary code n.烹饪法规
slice n.片
veal n.小牛肉
coat v. 覆盖…的
flour n.面粉
breadcrumb 面包屑
fry v.炸
“The Wiener schnitzel is as emblematic of Vienna as classical composers – but one family-run eatery serves a cutlet so classic that it embodies what a schnitzel should be.” (维也纳炸猪排和古典音乐作曲家一样,都是维也纳的象征!)
Wiener schnitzel维也纳炸猪排
emblematic adj. 象征的;可当标志的
Vienna 维也纳
classical composers 古典音乐作曲家
family-run eatery 家族经验的餐馆
cutlet 炸饼;肉排
embody v. 体现
“the real-deal schnitzel experience: light and fluffy, never greasy and served by a waiter in a black tuxedo. ”
(真正的炸肉排体验: 松软不油腻,由身穿黑色燕尾服的服务员端上来。)
real-deal adj. 真正的
fluffy adj.松软的;毛茸茸的
greasy adj.油腻的
tuxedo n. 男士无尾半正式晚礼服;无尾礼服
“… says the past few years have been especially busy, with an influx of international visitors clamouring for a taste of Vienna's iconic dish.”
influx n. 流入
如:a massive/sudden influx of visitors 游客的大量/突然涌入
clamour v.大声或喧闹地要求
iconic adj.标志性的
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