2019-11-09 环球教育
就比如Avatar (《阿凡达》)这部电影,我们学习英语的时候也可以用这部电影的英文剧本去学英语。如果看过原版电影,那么肯定对剧情很熟悉,那样学起来也就不难了。下面我们就以《阿凡达》开头的描述为例,来细细品味并记下一些能为自己所用的词汇,句式(黑体为词汇,划线为句子)。
It is a century from now, and the population of our tired planet has tripled. Finally, drowning in its own toxic waste, starvation and poverty, the population has topped out at a nice even 20 billion.(分词作从句,不是我们写作中有用的句式吗?)
The Earth is dying, covered with a gray mold of human civilization. Even the moon is spiderwebbed (很形象的一个词)with city lights on its dark side. Overpopulation, over-development, nuclear terrorism, environmental warfare tactics(环境战术), radiation leakage(辐射泄漏) from power plants and waste dumps, toxic waste(有毒废弃物), air pollution, deforestation(森林砍伐), pollution and overfishing of the oceans, global warming,ozone depletion(臭氧层破坏), loss of biodiversity(生物多元化的消失) through extinction(这些环境问题难道不是我们现在就面临的吗?)... all of these have combined to make the once green and beautiful planet a terminal cess-pool.
Josh lives in the urban sprawl(不断延伸的城市) which has grown like kudzu(葛根) over the whole eastern US.
His particular part of this undifferentiated(无差别的) concrete rat-warren is Charlotte, NC, but you could be anywhere. Its the same crowded, gray, trash-strewn high-tech squalor. The walls are gray, the sky is gray... the people are gray.
They shuffle(穿梭) past each other in dense crowds(密集人群), shoulder to shoulder, unwashed because of the water shortages(水资源短缺), and sickly looking from the bankrupt diet of cheap carbohydrates(碳水化合物) and synthetic(合成的) proteins. It looks like a cross between THX-1138 and a Calcutta train station.
Josh has it a little worse than most because of his involvement in a stupid little war people barely remember. He is paralyzed from the waist down, and his useless legs hang twisted and shrunken down the front of his wheelchair. Josh still wears his army jacket, and with his unkempt beard and hair, and surly eyes, he is pretty much ignored by the crowds which buffet him like surf. Just another angry vet, a piece of discarded human trash.(一段形象的人物描写,稍作改写,还能套用到口语的人物类话题中)。
Josh fights his way to work every day on the crowded subway. And every night he goes home to a tiny cubicle of an apartment in a vast government housing project. The room is reminiscent of (使人想起…相当于remind sb of sth.)a cell(在这里可不是”细胞” 的意思,而是”单间牢房”之意) at a federal prison, which is pretty much what it is.
(环球教育宁波 杨玉萍)
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