2016-10-18 环球教育
作为一名一线雅思口语老师, 每当讲到雅思口语(ielts speaking )的part2 人物篇的时候,总是能听到“ Okay, I am gonna talk about blablabla..,he is famous , and he is very famous in China…。”呵呵若是这样的讲,老师要说的额,你只能得5分左右啦,第一你给考官examiner的第一印象the first impression 是你的口语词汇太不行啦,第二有点太那个boring了吧。Whatever ,不管咋说,看下老师在国外做商务口译(business interpreter )的时候,老外是这样的讲。
She is huge.
那好,老师点评下啊,这个huge 有“巨大的,庞大,极大的”意思,修饰人,表示此人很出名,名气很大。在历年的雅思口语考试中,几乎都是有
l describe a famous person
l describe a singer or band in your country
l describe an actor
l describe a leader you admire
l describe a good student
l describe an old person …
这里就不一一列举, 总而言之,咱描述人的时候,都可以说这个人在某方面很著名,是个大牌,所以你就可以说 :
Well, the famous person I am gonna talk about is __who is really huge …。老师可以告诉你的是,这个huge就生动的多啦,native的多啦。
这里不妨分享下一部英文电影<<Sunset Boulevard>> ,中文翻译过来是《日落大道》。对白如下 :
A: Gloria Swanson actually used to live here …
B: that’s right , she was huge!!!不拉不拉,大抵如此的。
l He is really well-known.
l He is pretty known to all.
l He is a typical household name.
l He is a big name…
记住啊,see yaa …
这一个是不是太少了啊,那好,老师再教你们一个。在平常上雅思口语课的时候啊,很多徒弟讲事件describe an event的时候,不少咱们中国烤鸭讲 “ hey , the bad weather is so unexpected .”。其实他想说的时候, “ 这真是太突然了”。 那老外有一句更经典地道的 叫 “ out of nowhere “ 常在英语国家听到。 我记得第一次是我在澳洲我的boss Mr.Martin说的。 比如大家常被在part1被问到一个题
Do you like watching ads on TV?
Definitely not ! by that I mean, the annoying TV commercials are full of fraud , they sometimes come out of no where 。you see, I would be bugged a lot.
咋样,这样啊,至少是天上人间啦, 其实啊,口语就是这样, it is Easy as ABC.
对吧,事不过三,今天老师就给大家奉献三个极其地道的phrase, 这第三个呢就是在雅思口语中经常说到 “太忙了, 我很少去。。。”。 据我目前所知大多数中国烤鸭们总是说 “ so busy “ . 那么老师在国外做口译的时候,发现呢,老外都是这样的讲。 No time for oxygen.
忽然间想起那部经典美剧( Gossip girl 绯闻女孩)的对话啦
A: Eleanor put me in charge. And it is really a big deal. Honey, breathe.
B: No, no time for oxygen. I am late. Oh, and I forgot my homework.
记得就是这样的清楚, 当年老师在英国约克出差business trip的时候,当地人还会如下的讲:
l I am tied up .
l My hands are full.
l I am really in the middle of my stuff.
l I am up to my neck on sth.
l I am really busy as a bee
l I am really busy as a beaver.
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