今天的正题:雅思口语Part One中Singing的这个话题。
(1) Do you like singing? Why or why not?
(2) Do you think the lyric of a song is important?
(3) Where do you usually sing? Why?
(4) How often do you sing? Why?
(5) What is you favourite song? Why?
今天,我们就先从这五个话题中最难回答的一个展开:【Question One】: Do you think the lyric of a song is important?
“Here to the ones who dream. Foolish, as they may seem. Here’s to the hearts that ache. Here’s to the mess we make.”(敬那些做梦的人,哪怕他们有点傻,敬那些痛着的心,敬我们制造的混乱)
“And when they let you down, you get up off the ground, cause morning rolls around and it’s another day of sun”(当人们令你失望,你更要勇往直前,因为早晨到来,又是阳光灿烂的一天)
“A little chance encounter could be the one you’ve waited for”(一次小小的邂逅,可能就是苦等的机遇)。
【Sample Answer】
The lyrics of songs are significant because they can show the thoughts and ideas of the singer. Some songs not only rhyme well but also teach valuable lessons about life. With certain songs, I can identify with the singer and understand what he or she is going through, which creates a powerful connection between singers and fans.
【Question Two】Where do you usually sing? Why?
同学们你们平时唱歌都在哪儿?我来猜一猜...KTV? 或者在家里用全民K歌、唱吧这些软件?不知道有没有同学会和欣怡老师一样有个怪癖... ...洗澡的时候会大声放音乐然后把浴室当做舞台尽情地唱... ...(当然要是爸爸妈妈在就不敢了哈哈)
【Sample Answer】
When I have free time, I sing at a karaoke bar or KTV with my closest buddies and loved ones. From time to time, I sing in the shower, specifically if I have a song stuck in my head. If there’s nobody at home, I also listen to music and sing loudly alongside the singer, which makes me feel energetic.
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