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2020-02-26 环球教育

 在雅思口语part2 中经常能遇到人物类题,要求阐述这个人是谁,跟你有什么关系,你觉得她或者他怎么样。那雅思口语part2人物类的题型该怎么准备呢 ?下面小编为大介绍雅思口语part2人物类题怎么准备。

  雅思口语part2人物类题怎么准备?先还是要从框架开始分析,因为框架代表了你的逻辑思维,简单举个例子,你的part 2中的话题框架如何搭建,这里呈现给大的框架,适用于part2所有话题。然后再以part 2中的人物话题,从大分句型进行积累,我们如果去阐述述这个人是谁,跟你有什么关系,你觉得她或者他怎么样,其实便是一句话,该如何赞美这个人呗!

  1. 雅思口语part2人物类题的框架:

  Part 2描述要特别注意移花接木,也是用一个准备好的核心段落来演绎很多不同的话题。要特别注意归类总结,哪些问题可以用到同一核心段落(只需要进行改写即可套用),哪些要单个准备。大可以把大致50道题进行分类,这样你需要准备的段落可能便只有20个左右了。那本文呢,主要讲part 2中的人物题:比如你准备了描述一个老人的素材,那么这个素材你也可以用在这些topics上:你非常尊敬的人,对你影响很深的人,一个成功的人,一张照片(可以是你和他一起照的),一个礼物等都可以加以灵活的套用。

  其实Part 2的框架特别好构建,因为我们有个topic 本子,每个话题下面都有一些小问题,你只要根据这些小问题进行回答,再加上连接过渡性的词汇即可。


  一个老人+尊敬的长辈+非常亲近的人 (小编举例:我的爷爷)

  Describe an old person you respect

  You should say:

  Who he/she is

  How you know this person

  What kinds of things you like to do together

  and explain how you feel about this person

  Ø When it comes to the one I respect the most, I’d like to talk about my dear grandfather, a seventy - year - old man.

  Ø To be honest, I don’t remember when I knew him, probably the moment when I was born. But I know a lot about him indeed. My grandpa has a very kind smile which always gives me great comfort and encouragement especially when I am depressed. my grandfather teaches me a lot. He often tells me to be brave and dare to bear the responsibility.

  Ø In terms of what we’d like to do together, I think it is to turn “waste” into wealth. My grandpa can always find a suitable place for the “junk”. He often teaches me how to give in and put the """"junk"""" in its suitable place. My grandpa has helped me to develop a habit of preserving everything,everything he thinks is useful, everything goes where it should go. Surprisingly,all these """"junk"""" can always find their position and function fairly well(相当好地),holding small things or optimizing my bicycle so that it can operate better……

  Ø And another thing is that my grandpa always sits next to me and tells a lot of interesting stories. It seems he always has many stories attracting me. So we are more like a pair of good friends. This is my grandfather, the one I respect the most. I love him.

  你只要根据每一个小问题来回答即可,part 2的框架便构建好了,根据我的个人经验,当涉及到新的一方面东西时,西方人说话很喜欢用as for. When it comes to, for ,in terms of等这些。大可以在切换不同小问题之间,用这些简单连接词进行过度。Part 2的素材你可以参考别人的素材,像七悠雅思,口语材料多种而齐全,大都可以选择来进行这样的改写。

  2. Part 2人物类题的你所需要的大分赞美句子:

  雅思考官对于那些被中考生overuse的表达,像kind,sweet, hardworking,friendly, warm-hearted对描述人的表达,再加上很多考生从头至尾都差不多的表情,考官对于这些差不多的描述,他也会给你个差不多的分啦!想让自己的分数脱颖而出吗?那要学会用以下这些表达来描述这个人是谁,跟你有什么关系,你觉得她或者他怎么样!



  1. Good-natured:adj. 和蔼的;性情温和的;温厚的;脾气好的

  2. approachable:英 [ə'prəʊtʃəb(ə)l] 美 [ə'protʃəbl]

  adj. 亲切的;可接近的

  Eg: I must say frankly that, although I found him most approachable, good-natured, and full of wit and humor, I could not take a real personal liking to the man.


  3. Caring: 英 ['keərɪŋ] 美 ['kɛrɪŋ]

  adj. 有同情心的;表示或感到关怀或关心的 v. 关心;照顾(care的现在分词)

  Eg: She expresses her pride, appreciation, and caring.


  4. Charming: adj. 迷人的;可爱的

  Eg: She was sweetened with her charming smile.


  5. Considerate: adj. 体贴的;体谅的;考虑周到的

  Eg: He was always kind and considerate. 他总是很善良,为别人着想。

  6. Extroverted:英 ['ekstrəʊvɜːtɪd] 美 ['ɛkstro'vɝtɪd]

  adj. 性格外向的;外向性的;喜社交的

  7. Introverted: 英 ['ɪntrə(ʊ)vɜːtɪd] 美 ['ɪntrəvɝtɪd]

  adj. 内向的

  Eg: She is neither introverted nor extroverted.


  8. Persuasive: adj. 有说服力的;劝诱的,劝说的

  Eg: Trevor can be very persuasive. 特雷弗有时很会说服人。

  9. Ambitious: adj. 野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的

  Eg: Alfred was intensely ambitious, obsessed with the idea of becoming rich.


  10. inventive: adj. 发明的;有发明才能的;

  Eg: she is one of the most talented and inventive drummers in modern music



  11. Aggressive:adj. 侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的

  Eg: He assumed the style of an aggressive go-getter.


  12. Fussy:英 ['fʌsɪ] 美 ['fʌsi]

  adj. 爱挑剔的,难取悦的;易烦恼的

  Eg: She appears as a fussy person.


  13. Bossy:英 ['bɒsɪ] 美 ['bɔsi]

  adj. 专横的;浮雕装饰的;爱指挥他人的

  Eg: her loud bossy sister 她那个爱管人的大嗓门姐姐

  14. Catty:英 ['kætɪ] 美 ['kæti]

  adj. 阴险的;狡猾的;如猫的

  Eg: someone who is catty says unkind things about people


  15. Slapdash: 英 ['slæpdæʃ] 美 ['slæpdæʃ]

  adj. 匆促的;草率的;粗心的,马虎的

  Eg: a very slapdash piece of work 干得非常马虎的工作

  16. deceitful: 英 [dɪ'siːtfʊl; -f(ə)l] 美 [dɪ'sitfl]

  adj. 欺骗的;欺诈的;谎言的;虚伪的

  Eg: His manner was sly and deceitful. 他的态度诡诈而又不老实。

  17. domineering: 英 [dɒmɪ'nɪərɪŋ] 美 ['dɑmə'nɪrɪŋ]

  adj. 跋扈的;专横的;盛气凌人的

  Eg: She had a harsh and domineering mother who sacrificed everything to a touchy animal pride and had long held sway over her weak-minded daughter.


  18. arrogant: 英 ['ærəg(ə)nt] 美 ['ærəɡənt]

  adj. 自大的,傲慢的

  Eg: He was unbearably arrogant. 他的傲慢让人无法忍受。

  19. Mingy:英 ['mɪn(d)ʒɪ]

  adj. 吝啬的;卑鄙的;少得可怜的;卑贱的

  Eg: You're mingy to give me such a small piece of cake.


  20. grumpy: 英 ['grʌmpɪ] 美 ['ɡrʌmpi]

  adj. 脾气暴躁的;性情乖戾的

  n. 脾气坏的人;爱抱怨的人

  Eg: My friend, however, somehow always ran into grumpy people, encountered conflicts, and wound up in fights.


  21. opinionated: 英 [ə'pɪnjəneɪtɪd] 美 [ə'pɪnjənetɪd]

  adj. 固执己见的;武断的

  Eg: I found him very arrogant and opinionated. 我觉得他非常傲慢和固执。

  以上词汇的,所有例句,小编都是整理过的,你可以作为素材表达用到part 2中的人物描述题目中去,下面的表达是各位烤鸭直接可以拿来用的。多积累写那些考官愿意给你加分的表达和词汇。


  1. He is strong- minded, never feels hopeless and has the courage to stand up to challenge. 意志坚定

  2. He has a strong sense of responsibility and strives hard to do his best. 有责任感,努力做到很好

  3. He is an energetic and outspoken person. 精力充沛、心直口快

  4. His is industrious and eager to learn. 勤奋好学

  5. He participates actively in school activities. He is well liked by his fellow students for his enthusiasm in serving others. 热衷课外活动,乐于助人

  6. He is a good-natured and well-disciplined person. He has a positive attitude towards life and always tries to better himself. 性格好、自律、进取向上

  7. He’s got a cheerful and easy-going disposition. He treats his friends with sincerity and teachers with respect. 好相处的

  8. He is thoughtful and polite. He gets along well with …细心有礼貌,和...能很好相处

  9. He approaches his studies with zest and never let go a chance to raise questions. 好学好问

  10. He has a serene, retiring temperament but with a keen sensitive perception. 安静内向且敏感的性格


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