2020-03-18 环球教育
Besides the example you just gave (in Part 2), what are some other examples of bad weather (in your country)?
Do different parts of your country experience different types of bad weather?
Why do you think people call it ""bad weather""?
Is there anything we can do to prepare for bad weather?
Do you think bad weather can ever be dangerous?
What do people in your country do when the weather is bad?
The Weather and Climate……
Natural Disasters……
Describe a law in your country.
You should say
what the law is
what type of law it is (or, what kind of behaviour this law seeks to regulate)
how good (how necessary or effective or how suitable) you think this law is
And explain how this law affects people.
Describe a country you want to go to but haven’t been to(想去而未去的)
Describe a place near water (such as river, lake, and ocean)(近水之地)
Describe a long car journey you went on(长途自驾游)
Describe a short vocation you were impressed(短途旅行)
Describe a special trip you would like to go in the future(未来想去的特殊的旅行)
以上是环球教育老师为你介绍的常考的雅思口语话题的内容。希望大家可以仔细的阅读,如果还想了解更多的有关雅思考的信息,可以点击页面咨询框,或者关注http://beijing.gedu.org/ 每天都有新的知识点。
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