2020-03-25 环球教育
今天来和大家分享一篇“Online approach helps job seekers work it out”, By Wang Qian and Xing Yi, China Daily, 2020-03-18。为什么选择这篇呢?相信大部分烤鸭其实在不断备考筹备出国留学的同时,可能也在关心国内的就业形势。今年的春招形势可谓是“春寒料峭”了。大家有时间可以通读这篇文章以获取相关权威资讯。我们只截取其中典型句子和词汇给大家分析一下。
On that date Xiaomi launched its spring campus recruitment via Rain Classroom, an interactive mini-program on WeChat, and video-sharing platform Kuaishou.
这句话里面有几个单词大家可以了解一下,都是在口语表达中比较常见的素材。An interactive mini-program on WeChat,微信上的一个交互式小程序。Video-sharing platform视频分享平台。当然,我们口中的春招就是spring campus recruitment,春季校园招聘。
除此之外,其实另一个动词更值得大家关注launch。当然,它是双词性,动词比较常见,译为发射,发布,推出。例如我们常见的发射火箭,卫星,导弹等,其实都是这个动词。一些企业发布新产品也通常译成launch new products。而这个“推出”,在写作中是更常见的词条,例如launch some new policies,推出一些新的政策。
University graduates across the country have started their job hunt in this virtual way to reduce people-to-people contact amid the novel coronavirus outbreak.
Job hunt,此处为名词,译成求职。其实就业类的话题在雅思写作大作文中时常出现,所以几个相关词汇和大家分享一下。
另外一个值得一提的词people-to-people,很明显意思就是face-to-face。尤其是后者face-to-face, 在比较正式的场合中,带有“-”的是形容词性,而不带的是副词性。例如:
Amid the novel coronavirus outbreak, I do not want to talk with anyone face to face. This means I am trying my best to avoid any kinds of face-to-face communication.
'The epidemic outbreak has accelerated the digitalization of the recruitment sector. In the future, e-recruitment will play a bigger role as an alternative to traditional job-hunting,' Zhang Chao says.
Accelerate这个动词大家应该比较熟悉,译成“加速”。它的名词性为acceleration。例句:Those policies launched by governments last year were conducive to an acceleration of local economic growth.
A digitalized library is definitely more eco-friendly than a traditional one. Meanwhile, the digitalization of libraries is certainly feasible with current technological advancement.
四、 He adds that in term of costs, online recruitment is much cheaper than physical job fairs, which need to organize traffic and factor in accommodation and venue costs. Simply put, potential employers can reach a bigger audience on the internet, wherever they are.
这段话是从成本角度来对比线上和线下招聘。其实在雅思写作中类似的对比有很多很多。线上线下购物的对比,线上线下授课的对比等等。大家都完全可以参考这个思路。里面值得关注的单词有如下几个。Physical job fairs,实体的招聘会。同理可得,physical stores,就是我们常说的实体店。Venue costs,译成场地费。这个在写作中也非常常见。
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