OSSD ENG4U 之故事背景类型分享
2020-06-04 环球教育
又到了一周和大家Say Hi的时刻,这周给大家带来四种故事背景的分享。我们知道,所有的故事都一定会有特定的发生背景,一个精彩的故事呈现给人们的世界会深深地刻在人们的脑海里。故事背景对于故事主题和情节发展起到了渲染作用,本周主要从以下几方面来和大家分享故事背景的类型。
The Four Settings of Great Stories
Integral Setting
An integral setting is a setting that is essential to the plot of the story or script. Integral setting is used to alert readers when setting is significant.
完整的背景(Integral setting)对故事发展起着至关重要的作用,也就是在其他背景下无法发生这个故事。
Example: ·
Titanic - Integral - You need the boat for the story
Lord of the Rings - Integral - The fantasy world Tolkien created impacts the characters and events
Backdrop Setting
Backdrop setting is setting that is visually imaginative and appealing to the audience but is not significant to the plot of the story. Backdrop settings are commonly used in stories that are very character driven.
模糊的背景(Backdrop setting)主要起到吸引观众的目的,但对于故事情节发展不是必须的,这种背景主要出现在人物角色占主导地位的故事中。
Little Red Riding Hood - Backdrop - This could happen in any forest
Cinderella - Backdrop - This could happen anywhere
Real Setting
If you choose a real-life setting, you’ll need to research to make sure you’ve got all of your details perfect.
真实背景(real setting)指的是故事发生的背景是真实存在的。
The Catcher in the Rye is a novel set in New York City. That's a real place. The main character visits real locations, like Radio City Music Hall and Grand Central station.
Fictional Setting
Avoiding massive amounts of research is one great reason to completely create your own setting. Make up a fictional city. Map out your own fictional high school or small town. You can take details from places you know, but change some of them to avoid “errors”.
虚构背景(fictional setting)指的是故事发生的背景是虚构的。
In the movie Star Wars, the setting is not real. Planets like Hoth, Naboo, and Tatooine don't exist. In fact, one reason the Star Wars movies were so popular is because of the fantastical worlds they created.
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