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2020-06-10 环球教育



  “More people like to eat fruits than vegetables”

  In order to draw general conclusions,such as the one above,information must be gathered,organized,and displayed clearly.Before we get into the details,let's learn the basic:what is data?



  Data:Information providing the basis of a discussion from which conclusions may be drawn;data often takes the form of numbers that can be displayed graphically or in a table.In general,data is a collection of facts,such as numbers,words,measurements,observations or even just descriptions of things.A data set is the data used in a particular study.


  The data we collect are observations of the characteristics of individuals in a population.These characteristics can assume one of several different values.For instance,if we were observing the hair color of students at school,some students would have black hair,some blond,some brown,some red,some with highlights,some with low lights,and some would be without hair.Because these characteristics can vary,we use the term variable to describe them.


  Hair colour is one example of a variable,but there are many,many more.Gender,age,height,weight,grade,number of hours of sleep,number of hours worked at a part-time job,income,religion,ancestry,and favourite subject in school are a few among a multitude of different variables that we can observe.To be clear about the types of variables we can measure,we will clearly define the different types of variables.

  For example the following table displays the employment by industry in the province of Ontario.Variables are the quantities being measured e.g.list of industries,whereas observations are the collection of data representing the specific year.For example in 2013,1.289 million people were in the Educational services industry.





  Data can be classified as Qualitative data or Quantitative data.

  Qualitative data is descriptive information(it describes something).

  Quantitative data,is numerical information(numbers).





  Illustration using Examples:

  Hair colour,gender,religion,ancestry,and favourite subject in school are all considered qualitative data.These characteristics cannot be described with a number but rather by a specific category.For this reason,these types of data are also called categorical data.


  For instance,if you asked several people what religion they belonged to,their responses could include faiths such as Muslim,Jewish,Protestant,Catholic,Hindu,and Buddhist.Since each religion or category is viewed with equal importance,this variable is called nominal data,which is used to describe the names of the categories.


  However,if we wanted to see the degree to which students agreed with the new changes to the dress code,some possible responses could include:strongly disagree,somewhat disagree,neither agree nor disagree,somewhat agree,and strongly agree.Since these responses can be ordered in some logical or natural way,this is referred to as an ordinal data.


  Age,height,weight,grade,number of hours of sleep,number of hours worked at a part-time job and income are all data or variables that can assume a quantity and can be expressed by a number.For this reason,these variables are considered quantitative or numerical data.Even these numerical data are slightly different.


  Grade of a student usually only takes on whole number values—a student can be in grade 4,5 or 6,but there is no such a thing as Grade 4½.Since this data can assume only specific values or a fixed set of values,grade is considered a discrete data.


  On the other hand,height and weight,number of hours worked,and number of hours of sleep can take on an infinite number of possibilities;as a result,these data or variables are continuous.Although we usually round our values to the nearest whole number,if we had measuring devices precise enough there would be an infinite number of possible weights(to the milligrams and micrograms),heights(to the millimetres),number of hours of sleep or of work(to the seconds,milliseconds).Measurements,such as length,weight,and temperature,are examples of continuous data.




  question.Which one of the following is quantitative data?

  A.She is black and white.

  B.She has two ears.

  C.She has long hair.

  D.She has a long tail.



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