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小编:小棉袄 141

学生找老师谈论term paper,关鸟类迁徙

7。一个学生找老师因为他要写的bird migration的paper 找不到材料,老师认为不可能(考到),后来他说想写关于Aristotole 关于这个的想法什么的,老师说她的要求是希望他们运用所学知识研究来完成paper ,希望他换主题,他想到了写也许是因为bird migrate at night人们大多只看到大鸟, 所以认为小鸟在大鸟的翅膀下迁徙什么的。后来他又想写一种不迁徙而是冬眠的鸟,又被老师拒绝了。最后老师希望他一周后再来一下,看一看他确定的主题

学术段子2: 神经原和另一种神经系统的细胞"Gli..."什么, 拼写忘了, 1950s以前人们只研究神经原, 认为他们是神经系统的主导, 而后来才发现G也有很重要作用, 而不是象原先认为的那样只负责供给营养和保护神经原, 造成之前错误的原因是因为学术界认为信号都是靠电传导的, 而事实上G则是靠化学物质传导信息的.

Glial cells (神经胶质细胞)and Neurons (神经细胞)

Glial cells, commonly called neuroglia or simply glia, are non-neuronal cells that provide support and nutrition, maintain homeostasis, form myelin, and participate in signal transmission in the nervous system. In the human brain, glia are estimated to outnumber neurons by about 10 to 1.[1]

Glial cells provide support and protection for neurons, the other main type of cell in the central nervous system. They are thus known as the "glue" of the nervous system. The four main functions of glial cells are to surround neurons and hold them in place, to supply nutrients and oxygen to neurons, to insulate one neuron from another, and to destroy pathogens and remove dead neurons.

Glia were discovered in 1856 by the pathologist Rudolf Virchow in his search for a 'connective tissue' in the brain.

The human brain contains about ten times more glial cells than neurons. [1] Following its discovery in the late 19th century, this fact underwent significant media distortion, emerging as the famous myth claiming that "we are using only 10% of our brain". The role of glial cells as managers of communications in the synapse gap, thus modifying learning pace, has been discovered only very recently

学术段子1: 英国浪漫主义诗人 William Wordsworth , 指出诗歌要反应人的内心, 反对新古典主义的浮华, 开辟了英国诗歌新纪元

第三篇,Wards Worth的诗,英国的romantism的代表,然后说了romantism和romantic的区别,romantism是写自然的,用语简单,但是有一种neoclassism就正好相反,简单的话说复杂了,sky 说成是blue sky 或者是blue extend. Wards Worth的诗分三阶段,第一阶段的诗歌成绩斐然,第二阶段忘记了,第三阶段时回顾第一阶段,然后认为第一阶段的是最好的。后面反而不行了。

8。说一个music,能够表现年青人的活力之类的,还写piano比较能够表达这种音乐,不过由于运输原因,有时不用钢琴(考到),然后还说rock'n roll什么的,(不是很记得了),还说piano 之所以当时那么受欢迎,一是因为它与那个音乐的和谐,还有是因为当时它算一种财富地位的象征什么的,最后说它现在的形式就是Jazz。。。

Ragtime 拉格泰姆音乐(1890-1915期间在美国流行的一种音乐)

Ragtime is an American musical genre which enjoyed its peak popularity between 1899 and 1918. It has had several periods of revival since then and is still being composed today. Ragtime was the first truly American musical genre, predating jazz. It began as dance music in popular music settings years before being published as popular sheet music for piano. Being a modification of the then popular march, it was usually written in 2/4 or 4/4 time (meter) with a predominant left hand pattern of bass notes on odd-numbered beats and chords on even-numbered beats accompanying a syncopated melody in the right hand. A composition in this style is called a "rag". A rag written in 3/4 time is a "ragtime waltz".

Ragtime is not a "time" (meter) in the same sense that march time is 2/4 meter and waltz time is 3/4 meter; it is rather a musical genre that uses an effect that can be applied to any meter. The defining characteristic of ragtime music is a specific type of syncopation in which melodic accents fall between metrical beats. This results in a melody that seems to be avoiding some metrical beats of the accompaniment by emphasizing notes that either anticipate or follow the beat. The ultimate (and intended) effect on the listener is actually to accentuate the beat, thereby inducing the listener to move to the music. Scott Joplin, the composer/pianist known as the "King of Ragtime", called the effect "weird and intoxicating". He also used the term "swing" in describing how to play ragtime music: "Play slowly until you catch the swing...".[1] The name swing later came to be applied to an early genre of jazz that developed from ragtime. Converting a non-ragtime piece of music into ragtime by changing the time values of melody notes is known as "ragging" the piece. Original ragtime pieces usually contain several distinct themes, four being the most common number.

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